Robert Evan Howard Welcome! |
HELP US STOP PREDATORY AND MONEY LENDING SCAMS... TOGETHER WE CAN PREVENT " MORE VICTIMS " " WOULD YOU LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT? " Have you been tricked, manipulated, duped, targeted, forced, or given no choice participate in a LENDING procedure? BEFORE - DURING - AFTER AT ANY TIME WERE YOU THREATENED, INTIMIDATED, OR INJURED IN ANY WAY? ( With a weapon - Physical appearance or demeanor - Verbally, including yelling, foul words, threats of financial losses " or " physical damage to you or your friends property, or someone saying something like " My friends are cops, or we have lots of attorneys..."? ) Were you changed an excessive fee? Were you " or " anyone else injured? Are you a former or currant employee of a company dealing in with LENDING or do you some insight as to instructions given on how to get the most out of people or the U.S.A. financial programs regardless of legality of ethical concerns? ________________________________________________________ AREAS OF INTEREST 1. Excessive fees. 2. Conspiracy charges - Two or more people conspiring. 3. Duplicity - Companies hiding behind ambiguous companies, or visa versa. 4. Crossing State lines. 5. Artistic Bookkeeping - written and / or verbal and / or otherwise implied. a. Taxes. b. Social Security. c. Insurance. d. Safety. e. Discrimination. f. Sexual Harassment. 6. Theft of property. 7. Drugs or weapons. 8. Stolen Credit Cards or fraudulent charges to an individual and and / or the Government. 9. Not reporting injuries, fatalities. 10. Whatever else you might think of... ________________________________________________________ HOW DO YOU WISH TO COMMUNICATE? HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE AUTHORITIES IN YOUR STATE? DO YOU HAVE LEGAL REPRESENTATION? WOULD YOU PREFER TO WORK DIRECTLY WITH THE AUTHORITIES IN YOUR STATE? DO YOU FEEL AS THOUGH YOU WOULD NEED PROTECTION? ARE YOU WILLING TO TESTIFY? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS or OTHER EVIDENCE? ARE THERE WITNESSES and / or OTHER PARTICIPANTS? ALL ALLEGATIONS REQUIRE VERIFICATION BY SOME MEANS... ________________________________________________________ OUR PURPOSE Our purpose is to coordinate as many facts as possible, and bring those facts to the " PROPER AUTHORITIES and NEWS AGENCIES in a way that will stop " PREDATORY AND SCAM MEDICINE ". DID I MENTION NEWS AGENCIES? ________________________________________________________ - IN SHORT - TURN ON THE LIGHTS AND THE COCKROACHES RUN |
At this time, this project is for the U.S.A. only, and will " IF POSSIBLE " expand... You could start a project like this one where ever you are! Contact your local judiciary. |